Are you such a dreamer?
To put the world to rights?
I'll stay home forever
Where two & two always
makes up five
I'll lay down the tracks
Sandbag & hide
January has April's showers
And two & two always
makes up five
I try to sing along
I get it all wrong
I swat em like flies but
Like flies the buggers
Keep coming back
Maybe not
All hail to the thief
But I'm not!
Don't question my
Authority or put me
In the dock
Go & tell the king that
The sky is falling in
When it's not
Maybe not.
(ahh diddums.)
i have a paper here that entitles me to fast track status.
whats in the briefcase?
iam staying at holiday inn, room 320.
i have fast track status.
dont anyone stop? anyone stop to let me out?
congratuulashuns! everybody stops and gawp.
you crossed the line
too many colours
too many eyes
little birds on the trees all lining up
lynch mob
we fix your dollars
limitless scenarios
well see who was right and who was wrong
technically speaking, you will be frozen to the touch
and sit back down again and press play llike nothing has happened
cut your tails with a carving knife
eyes popped out like cigarette machine
we are hypnotised by your eyes
please remember that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance
and we are faceless you cannot attack us
take the money and then run
sing me a lullaby
no pulse
stuck on face
alastair campbell
numbers plummeting
woods where no birds sing
forget why youre there when you get there
whats so wrong with that?
just a bumpy ride.
these are just high tides.
(Snakes & Ladders.)
Sit down.
Stand up.
Walk into
The jaws of hell.
Anytime. Anytime.
We can wipe you out
Anytime. Anytime.
(Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky.)
I sucked
The moon
I spoke
Too soon
And how much did
It cost?
I was dropped from
And sailed
On shooting stars
Maybe you'll
be president
But know
right from wrong
Or in the flood you'll
build an Ark And sail us to the moon
(Honeymoon is Over.)
We're rotten fruit
We're damaged goods
What the hell
We got nothing more to lose
One gust & we
Will probably crumble
We're backdrifters.
This far but no further
I'm hanging off a branch
I'm teetering on the brink
Oh Honeysweet
So full of sleep
I'm backsliding.
You fell into our arms
We tried
But there was nothing
We could do
All evidence has been buried. All tapes have been erased.
But your footprints
Give you away so
You're backtracking
(Little Man being Erased.)
Something for the rag & bone man
Over my dead body
Something big is gonna happen
Over my dead body
Someone's son or someone's daughter
Over my dead body
This is how I end up getting sucked in
Over my dead body
I'm gonna go to sleep let this wash all over me
We don't wanna wake the monster
Tiptoe round tie him down
We don't want the loonies taking over
Tiptoe round tie them down
May pretty horses
Come to you
As you sleep
I'm gonna go to sleep
Let this wash
All over me
(The Sky is Falling in.)
There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end & you begin
And I'm sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end & you begin
I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can't
& I can't come down
I can watch but
Not take part
Where I end & where you start
where you you left me alone
You left me alone.
X will the mark the place
Like parting the waves
Like a house falling
into the sea
I will eat you all alive
And there'll be no more lies
(Your Time is up.)
Are you hungry?
Are you sick?
Are you begging for a break?
Are you sweet?
Are you fresh?
Are you strung up by the wrists?
(Fois-gras style)
We want the young blood.
Are you fracturing?
Are you torn at the seams?
Would you do anything?
Flea-bitten? Motheaten?
We suck young blood.
Won't let the creeping ivy
Won't let the nervous bury me
Our veins are thin
Our rivers poisoned
We want the sweet meats.
We want the young blood.
We suck young blood.
We want the young blood.
(Softly Open our Mouths in the Cold.)
Genie let out the bottle
It is now the witching hour
Murderers you're murderers
We are not the same as you
Funny haha funny how
When the walls bend
With your breathing
They will suck you down
To the otherside
To the shadows blue & red
Your alarm bells
Should be ringing
This is the gloaming
(The Boney King of Nowhere.)
In pitch dark
I go walking in
Your landscape
Broken branches
Trip me as I speak
Just because you feel it
Doesn't mean its there
Just because you feel it
Doesn't mean it's there
There's always a siren
Singing you to shipwreck
Steer away from these rocks
We'd be a walking disaster
Just because you feel it
Doesn't mean it's there
Just because you feel it
Doesn't mean it's there
There there
Why so green
& lonely?
Heaven sent you to me
We are accidents
Waiting to happen
We are accidents
Waiting to happen
(No man's Land.)
I will
Lay me down
In a bunker
I won't let this happen to my children.
Meet the real world coming out of my shell
With white elephants
Sitting ducks.
I will
Rise up.
Little babies' eyes.
(Judge, Jury & Executioner.)
The mongrel cat came home
Holding half a head
Proceeded to show it off
To all his new found friends
He said
I been where I liked
I slept with who I liked
she ate me up for breakfast
she screwed me in a vice
And now
I don't know why I feel so
tongue tied
I sat in the cupboard
And wrote it down in neat
They were cheering & waving
cheering & waving
twitching & salivating
like with myxomatosis
But it got edited, fucked up
Strangled, beaten up
Used as a photo in Time magazine
Buried in a burning black hole in Devon
I don't know why I feel so tongue tied
don't know why I feel so skinned alive.
My thoughts are misguided &
A little naive
I twitch & salivate
like with myxomatosis
You should put me in a home or you should put me down
I got myxomatosis
I got myxomatosis
Now no one likes a smart arse
But we all like stars
That wasn't my intention
I did it for a reason
He shook hands with the cripples &
He gave them all milk
He did a few card tricks
For his mafia geeks
But now
I don't know why I feel so
tongue tied
(As Dead as Leaves.)
I'm walking out
In a force ten gale
Birds thrown around
Bullets for hail
The roof is pulling off
By its fingernails
Your voice is rapping
On my window sill
Yesterday's headlines
Blown by the wind
Yesterday's people
End up
Then any fool can
Easy pick a hole
(I only wish I could fall in)
A moving target
In a firing range
Somewhere I'm not
Somewhere I'm not
Lightning fuse